A Professional Learning Program for Instrumentation Engineers

Instrumentation play important role in chemical process plants and various other industries where instrumentation used as controlling and monitoring of various operations. Control system is a part of instrumentation and instrumentation design deals with specifications of equipment, layouts, wiring schematics, instrument index etc. All these activities handle by the instrumentation Design Engineer.
Fresher engineers from instrumentation and electronics background do not know about instrumentation Design fields and its career aspects. Process Instrumentation Design Engineering Course provide by the Texvyn Technologies to enhances the skills of the students by giving him practical knowledge of selection, installation and commissioning of industrial instrumentation and control valves with its specifications, layouts, wiring schematics, instrument index.

Key Program Content
Introduction to Process Plant Engineering.
Process Instrumentation
Analyzers & Control Valves
Instrument Index
Instrument Location Plan Details
Process Data sheets and Specification
Instrument Data Sheets
Instrument Wiring Layout
Instrument Air Routing Layout
Logic Diagrams
Loop Drawing
Loop Wiring Diagram
I/O List for DCS
JB Layout
Cable Schedule
Cable Tray Layout
Hook-Up Drawing
Software Covered: InstruCalc & Smartplant Instrumentation [INTools]

Add-On Courses

SmartPlant Instrumentation [INTools]:
This course is designed for instrumentation specialists involved in the definition and specification of instrumentation and control systems using the SmartPlant Instrumentation software. In this course, students learn how to define the instruments using SmartPlant Instrumentation as per the specifications of project deliverable’s.

InstruCalc 9.0
InstruCalc 9.0 calculates the sizes of control valves, flow elements, and relief devices; produces data sheets for calculated items; and prepares instrument summaries and uses data sheets as a database for generating reports. The Control valve and Flow element modules calculate, display and print graphs of your calculations. InstruCalc 9.0 allows you to select any set of engineering units, including your own customized set. Units can be mixed, matched and changed in the middle of a calculation. InstruCalc 9.0 calculates process data at flow conditions for 54 fluids in either mixtures or single components and 66 gases in either mixtures or single components. Files can be updated with additional users’ fluids and gases.
Enroll Now for Texvyn Technologies Post Graduate Program in Instrumentation Design Engineering
Course Duration: 150 Hrs.
Delivery Mode: Online - Instructor Led Live Sessions / Classroom Training
Software Covered: AutoCAD + InstruCalc + SPI [INTOOLS]
Enrollment Fees: INR 35000 [Inclusive of Taxes]
For course queries & enrollment details fill in the below form